
Cholesterol-lowering medication use increased with age, from 17% of adults aged 40–59 to 48% of adults aged 75 and over. About 71% of adults with cardiovascular disease and 54% of adults with hypercholesterolemia used a cholesterol-lowering medication. (CDC Report As a massage therapist, I have worked with many clients who had fibromyalgia like symptoms which all disappeared when the clients got off their statin drugs.
As I have already reported, I was able to lower blood pressure by eating 6 stalks of celery a day (mostly in smoothies). I have turned to Jeff Primack’s course for help with cholestrol. So what can help cholestrol? Why pay for meds and chance the side effects when you can adjust your food or add a simple tea?
First, lower the LDL (bad) cholestrol.
Avacado is wonderful for the heart and for lowering LDL Cholestrol. The pit is important too. Add the pit to your smoothies and it adds a very mild nut-like flavor. You probably need a 3 hp blender to accomplish this but as Jeff says, the Bible instructs us to eat the seeds of tree bearing fruits. The avacado pit is very healthy for you.
Coffee contains chlorogenic acid which lowers LDL Cholestrol. Eggplant also contains chlorogenic acid. Gogi berries are also helpful and a tea formula has helped many of Jeff’s students lower LDL by more than 50 points in 1-2 months by taking the following tea. Boil:

Mushrooms (especially oyster mushrooms)
Gogi berries
For more food-based information on how you can achieve healthier levels of cholesterol, you might want to sign up for a consult with Lyneah.