Fibroids Revisited

The posts on Fibroids receive the most comments of all the posts on this website. Interesting how many are seeking natural ways and how many are experiencing fibroids. In previous posts, I have specified the types and amounts of digestive enzymes that worked for me. What I want to focus on here is the emotional aspect behind the fibroids. You can get rid of fibroids, but if you do not heal the underlying issues, they may return until you do. I am not of the school that all illnesses have emotional substrates. I believe that some illnesses are programed into our lives by us to help us learn or experience certain things. Another cause can be that we have come to clear certain kinds of illnesses as a service to humankind. Then there are the effects of karma. When there is an emotional substrate, Soul Integration is one process which can help you access and clear them. There were definitely emotional issues in my case and Soul Integration: questioning in deep meditation and opening to the feelings, memories and visions (some found in past life experiences) led me to understand and heal them and I have been able to help others do the same. Hand and hand with physical measures, clearing emotional strands can help speed recovery and can contribute to its permanence.