Food Healing is just as it sounds, healing your body with good nutritious foods and the results can be amazing.
I personally experienced a significant reduction in High Blood Pressure by using celery in my diet. I have used Reishi mushrooms extract to stabilize my heart rate. Reishis contain a similar ingredient to Adenosine used in hospitals to stabilize heart palpitations and ease angina. LDL Cholesterol can often be lowered through foods alone. Many health issues can be improved with the focused use of good, healthy foods. Smoothies are a big part of this approach to health.
What issues would you like to improve or conquer? Liver? Heart? Circulation? Blood Pressure? Cancer? Ulcers? Inflammation? Diabetes? Set up an appointment to talk with Lyneah to find out what foods will best serve you and which ones do not serve you well.
Click Here to request more information and to set up your first appointment at a 50% discount.
An herbalist I worked with in West Virginia once said, “God put something on earth to cure everything. You just need to know which is which,” and he laughed. I learned a great deal from this man with a 3rd grade education and have enjoyed working with other herbalists over the years, and the biggest change for me came after studying Jeff Primack’s Food Healing Class. I have strengthened my liver, improved my heart and reduced blood pressure using only foods and I would be happy to help you learn to do the same.
Click Here to request more information.
Check out the blog: Inspiration, for updates on food healing ideas. Search for your area of interest to see if an article has been published. If not, contact Lyneah to suggest a subject for a future blog post.