In searching for what causes this histamine response I found there are different types of histamine dysfunction. Three major types include Histaminosis, Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) and Mastocytosis (Including SM Systemic Mastocytosis).
Histaminosis (histamine intolerance) seems to indicate a lack of DAO (Diamine Oxidase) an enzyme that breaks down histamine.
Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MSAC) is a condition where normal amounts of Mast Cells are overactive and produce too many histamines and other mediators. To learn more about how to tell the difference you might find this article by Functional medicine practitioner, Will Cole of interest: .
Mastocytosis is a diagnosis of having too many Mast Cells. There are several varieties. ASM is Aggressive Systemic Mastocytosis. Skin conditions can indicate the type which is associated with too many mast cells in the skin, other forms (SM Systemic Mastyocytosis) can indicate a systemic condition of too many mast cells especially in the organs (spleen and liver most notably). There are tests to find out if you have the genetic marker and bone marrow tests to show if you have an over abundance of mast cells. There are currently clinical trials for Mastocytosis:, and for more info. I am in the initial stages of applying for one clinical trial. But I have to have a doctor’s diagnosis first. I’m working on that. is a site that provides a lot of information and guidelines for how to talk with your doctor about this. It also says it provides free testing if you are working with a doctor.
Why do we have this? Other than genetics, to date, I have no answer to what causes the problem in the first place. One of my thoughts is environmental toxin overload has much to do with this syndrome. Chemicals in processed foods, oils that are less than optimal especially when eating out, large amounts of sugar in most diets and environmental toxins in the water and air add to the stimulators and up the histamine responses. Generally, our physical systems are on overload. If you have a genetic marker, then genetics may be a causal factor. My daughter thinks her paternal grandmother may have had it as well, so she has likely inherited it from both sides of her family. My father had it worse as he aged and that has been true for me as well. My symptoms worsened after moving to an area with many pine trees. Pine oil is a hista-stimulator. I took one sniff of an organic pine oil and suffered symptoms for three days. I learned the hard way that pine oil stimulates the release of histamines.
Other Options: There are Pro-Biotics that promote healthy gut and help with histamine issues by suppressing histamine receptors. There are two probiotic strains which help: bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus rhamnosus . is a vegan product with more than these two strains s and three prebiotoics. Two of three of the Prebiotics are low histamine. Acacia Senegal may not be suitable for a low histamine diet.
I thought, well if I could find a DAO supplement, I could try it to see if that solves the problem. Looking for a DAO or Pro-biotic product, we have to make sure it is not made from substances for which you know you have an allergic reaction. Here’s a product that claims to be free of many stimulators, but it does not specify it’s sources: . Another product is which is sourced from legumes which are not recommended on a low histamine diet. Corn products and corn starch are not recommended on this diet and can be found in some antihistamine products as well as this Histazyme product: . So far this seems to be the cleanest product I’ve found, but it is also sourced from porcine kidney (not organic), so it will only works if you can eat pork and tolerate non-organic. I have not personally tried it yet.
Noticing that many of the DAO supplements are made from animal Kidneys led me to wonder about the role stress plays in this scenario. Stress can negatively affect all our systems, so relaxation and yoga are often recommended as part of the recovery process. Yoga has been part of my daughter’s and my recovery routines.
Lotions, perfumes, after shaves, soaps etc., even good organic ones, can also stimulate a histamine response especially those containing eucalyptus, pine, citrus and menthol. Lavender has an anti-histamine effect. A good natural rose works for me and since Tulsi Rose Tea is antihistamine, it seemed a natural one to try. I have long been drawn to good rose oils. Synthetic scents are not recommended. Sitting outside Weaver Street Market, I caught a whiff of a passing lady’s perfume. I started having a sneezing fit. My daughter has even experienced diarrhea and migraine headaches as a result of someone in her house using a lotion with oils that stimulate histamine. Cleaning products with citrus, eucalyptus and pine scents can have a negative effect. As I heal my body with the low histamine diet, I am more aware when I do have a reaction and track down and eliminate the cause. I have given away many high-quality lotions, creams and cleaning products because they had scents that stimulate histamine release. As a massage therapist I can no longer use most of the warming or cooling lotions such as Biofreeze and Deep Blue. Advanced Tachyon Technologies’ Panther Juice still works for me. You can get it here: .
Hope this is helpful. I’ll keep you posted with new blogs as I learn more. I am hoping to get a diagnosis based on testing to show if this is a lack of DAO enzyme or a dysfunction of the Mast Cells (over production or over abundance) and then find out what options there are for correcting the problem. In the meantime, I am grateful to have a diet that helps keep me functioning at a better level. And I am paying attention and discovering things that do not work for me like scented candles and sage smoke. I might try a lavender scented candle (natural scent) as lavender has an anti-histamine effect. Please comment on your findings and your journey with histamine issues.