A baby Hummingbird eats an enormous amount and carries the energy of joy. An adult hummingbird can fly from Florida to Mexico without eating or drinking. before this exetensive flight, they consume twice their weight! The digestive system represents how well we digest life. Louise Hay (Heal your Body) says Assimilation. Absorption. Elimination with ease. Her affirmation is:
“I easily assimilate and absorb all that I need to know and release the past with joy.” Here is a reference to a lovely article she wrote:
In it, she says, “One of the most important things you can be aware of when it comes to the thoughts you think and the food you eat is that this is what you are feeding yourself. If you are focused on thoughts that make you feel bad and foods that do not nurture your body, you are denying yourself love and feeding yourself misery. You deserve to feed yourself love and let go of the misery.”
Inner Child work (see www.theStargateExperienceAcademy.com Inner Child) can help us by teaching us to love and accept our inner children in places where we were stuck or call me, I have also helped clients work through inner child issues which are often related to digestion problems.
Being able to let go can be related to a state of constipation. Inability to digest life can be behind some intestinal distresses. Regular meditation can help with this. Rudolph Steiner recommends a meditation technique he calls the “Rückshau” (German for looking back). Sit in a chair with back straight, deep breath and center yourself. Begin reviewing your day from this moment backward. Allow it to go like a movie rewinding. In the beginning it may be slow, but as you are persistent, over time it will zip backward quickly, stopping at points which you need to review. When the vision slows, there is something you need to attend to – a person’s reaction, an unresolved issue, something you didn’t take in like a compliment or a forgotten item. Work with the scene possibly rewriting if resolution is required. Make note of things forgotten or items you need to address in the morning. Make physical notes so they don’t get lost in sleep. This exercise will help you digest life one day at a time giving yourself time to review and repair. Steiner also says this exercise saves you time in your life review at the end of your life.
Lyneah Marks, LMBT
Certified Food Health Educator
Soul Integration Therapist, Body, Soul & Angels