Do you have things that go bump in the night? Do you sense spirits? Perhaps you run into disembodied spirits and want to know more about how to help them. If so, this webinar is for you!
This is one of the most exciting webinars for me because it has been inspiring to witness the growth for each student. The Webinar includes an attunement to help open your spiritual organs of perception, daily exercises to develop your spiritual organs, stories of actual encounters and many opportunities for guided practice as part of a team. The companion book, Ghost Guiders, Thirsting for Resolution, contains example stories showing various ways of dealing with ghostly situations. Available here: Ghost Guiders
The Ghost Guiders Webinar on Zoom:
Phone or Text Lyneah at 919 949 3039 to
Improving Your Intuition and Earth Healing 101 are prerequisites for this class and it will be offered:
Maybe spirits see your light and hitchhike. Marc says, "When you are not feeling yourself, who are you feeling?" Spirits can get stuck between worlds for many reasons and when they recognize you as a spiritual person, they might follow you around looking for help. It is a great privilege to help them become "unstuck," to progress on their paths which also helps Mother Earth. Those staying in between worlds do not progress spiritually until they move forward usually involving crossing over. Helping them release their denser energies helps lighten Mother Earth’s load.
Lyneah has been working with spirits since childhood. She has learned much in her years of yearning to help those she has sensed because they are often sad and lost. Lyneah's stories are fascinating and she has documented them into a book: Ghost Guiders, Thirsting for Resolution. Order yours now from Amazon, click here: Ghost Guiders
After attending EARTH HEALING 101/102 AND GHOST GUIDERS, here’s what Steven Sidhartha Fischer said:“Lyneah’s EARTH HEALING CLASS had a profound and very positive effect on my word view. Not only are the abilities presented and honed in her class of immediate value, — the real life confirmations are beyond magical. I came as a curious student and left as a passionate and well-equipped advocate and guardian for our beloved Gaia.”
If you want to hone your intuitive skills, this class will provide attunements, downloads and practice to help you open/ enhance your abilities.
This is an active participation class, so space is limited. Reserve your space now. E-mail Lyneah at or better yet, text or call
919 949 3039.
Looking forward to working and playing with you. If you have places or situations you would like the class to work on as a team, please let me know after you have registered. Practice is a focus for this class. Developing your abilities to help those in between worlds and those in this one.
Ghost Guiders Webinar