SUMMARY: The Stargate is an energetic and a physical form which provides easier access to higher levels of conscious experience. Sign up here to receive invitations to this free event every Tuesday evening (8:15 Eastern/5:15 Pacific):
Presentation to Spiritual Frontiers Fellowship on You Tube provides a detailed explanation. Briefly,
the Stargate is a physical object as pictured above and it is an energetic or etheric form with a consciousness which acts as a spiritual elevator to higher levels of consciousness when called. The Stargate contains complex sacred geometry and responds to your request/intention. The Stargate is an inter-dimensional doorway that facilitates healing on all levels, DNA reactivation and the awareness of one’s Quantum Self.
The Stargate is here to help those who know there is something more. Stargate is here to support you in your personal evolution. The Stargate can help you identify root causes of difficulties in your life and through the vibrations of awareness and love dissolve the causes which are blocking you. The Stargate can assist you in sensing subtle energies, such as those of your guides, enabling you to better communicate with them. Are you ready to access skills and vibrations dormant inside you? If so, Stargate is here to help. You were drawn here for a reason. Only you can decide if this is the right path for you at this time.
HOW CAN I ACCESS THE STARGATE? Sign up above, email or text me. and check out these events with the greater community:
Journey to the Soul New Year’s 2025 Livestream (
Awakening to Oneness
Becoming Superconscious Free 7-Day Experience
Into the Void Full Series
New Year’s Live Stream 2023-24
Egypt Livestream
Becoming Superconscious Full Series
Awakening to Oneness Free Livestream
Astrology 2024
Lemurian Free Livestream
The Task of the New Lemurian
Essence of the Beyond
Azores In-Person Retreat
Easter Livestream
Accelerated Ascesion - 3
STORY: August, 2020 I became a Certified Stargate Facilitator much to my own surprise!!! I was attending a 30 day meditation series from the Stargate Experience Academy on line and loving it. Toward the end, Prageet Harris announced spaces in the Facilitator’s training had opened. I thought, “That’s nice but that’s not for me at least not yet.” A hand at my back gave me a firm push and I heard one clear word: “APPLY!!!,” so I did. I was accepted and attended both the training and an intensive — a four day meditation intense experience both of which I loved.
Pragreet Harris is an English, internationally renowned channel and has worked for 25 years with his guide Alcazar and their creation, the Stargate. This is a conscious, sacred-geometrical structure that creates a powerful, multi-dimensional energy field – an energy that can take participants into a deep meditative state within moments. Prageet received guidance to build the first Stargate which is 12’ tall and housed in Mt. Shasta, CA in the 1990’s. Julieanne Conard has been part of The Stargate Experience since 2012, when she discovered a strong connection with both the Stargate and Alcazar, whom she also channels. Together they lead Stargate Experiences in Mt. Shasta and around the world. This year the Stargate intensives and other meditations have been effectively broadcasted via several platforms to many thousands around the world.
Visit to learn more.
Rebalance the Body
If little infants, little babies, are subjected to intense emotional energy, they simply leave the body again. It is too much for them. And so, you have a protection mechanism, especially in your early years, where emotions that overwhelm you are pushed into the subconscious to be dealt with later and these repressed emotions are held in your energy field, in the emotional body. If you hold them there for long enough, these lower frequencies of unresolved emotions start to affect the physical body in the particular area that is associated with that emotion. It creates imbalance in the cells because the cells are not clearly receiving the energies that are meant to come to them. So illness, disease is created. That is why we have guided you with the inner child work to help you access and release from the energy bodies these old, repressed emotions. It is vital, Beloveds. It is vital to help the body rebalance and become healthy again. It is also vital in your process of ascension, of raising the vibration so more of your Superconsciousness can come into the body. Understand this well.
– Alcazar
Accelerated Ascension, 2021
Discover the Power of Working with Your Inner Child
This powerful journey invites you to explore the Inner Healer, Inner Guide, Inner Creator and Inner Gateway in this 4-week, recorded series. look for the Inner Child Series. Discover Your Inner Child and Book an Individual Session with Lyneah to explore healing your inner child in a private Stargate Soul Integration Session. Text 919 949 3039 to schedule your Individual Session.