FEMININE/MASULINE, DIVINE/Fallen, FOCUS and Help for Challenging Times

Recently I packed up my Motor home and headed for Mt. Shasta for a training to become a Stargate Experience Facilitator and the next week to take the Stargate Intensive program. To call this a peak experience just begins to let you know how wonderful it was.

During this set of experiences, one day we called in the energy of the divine feminine and enjoyed basking in this strong energetic of pure love. No one wanted the meditation to end. The energy built to a very high pitch and exploded around the world. Divine Feminine is so needed in the world now.

We later called in the energy of the divine masculine and while it is a different flavor, it too is an energy of pure love. The experiences were palpable and strong. It got me to thinking about the difference between masculine and feminine energies and the difference between divine and fallen energies.

We often blame the masculine for all the problems of the world: wars, insensitivity, power, etc.  Mars, the war God, is the epitome of this archetype. In astrology his symbol is the masculine symbol. This is not quite accurate as the divine masculine is pure love. The fallen masculine is the force that has been trying to rule the world for many thousands of years. It is a force of control, manipulation, and power over others. It is a consciousness of separation and works in the illusion that you can control others. In the short run it seems that is possible, but in the long-range picture the only person we can truly control is ourselves.

Too often women in positions of power imitate the fallen masculine and provide nothing in the way of the divine feminine energies resulting in the fallen feminine. Our world needs love and tender care.  We are at a point of having to choose planetary destruction or change. We need new ways of being, new ways of doing and new ways of protecting our planet. The divine feminine is pure love.

Where we focus our energies grows. In a recent meditation, Pragreet channeling Alcazar said that our super conscious pays attention to where our focus is and responds by bringing us more because it assumes that what we focus on is what we are wanting to experience. Where is your focus?  Your energetic focus, your thought focus, your emotional focus, they all count. Are you focusing on the news? There are so many different reports of what is really going on at the physical level. Perhaps it would be better to focus on what is going right.  I have recently started watching a Netflix original series Down to Earth. “Actor Zac Efron journeys around the world with wellness expert Darin Olien in a travel show that explores healthy, sustainable ways to live.”  This program shows many countries/people using technology that is helpful to the earth. Did you know that Paris offers free clean drinking water all over the city?  That Iceland has moved away from burning coal into using geo-thermal energies? Searching out new technologies and focusing on them is one way we can help our planet, our Mother Earth. There are many other sources of positive information and if we seek them out, we can turn our focus onto what is going right.

Male or female, meditation is essential during this time of Covid-19. If you are just learning meditation, The Five Basic Exercises can be found and many have found them immensely helpful. I will also be guiding Stargate Meditations which are designed to help you keep your vibration at higher frequencies. Check the schedule at for details or email me at


Many have found the following  meditative verse of Rudolph Steiner helpful in difficult times.


FOR THIS MICHAELIC AGE                  Rudolph Steiner


We must eradicate from the soul all fear and terror of what comes toward man out of the future.  We must acquire serenity in all feelings and sensations about the future. We must look forward, with absolute equanimity, to everything that may come and we must think only that whatever comes is given to us by a world direction full of wisdom.  It is part of what we must learn in this age; namely to live out of pure trust, without any security in existence, trust in the ever present help of the spiritual world.  Truly, nothing else will do, if our courage is not to fail us.  Let us seek the awakening from within ourselves, every morning and every evening.



Oh, Michael,

Under Your protection I place myself,

With Your guidance I connect myself,


So that this day may become an image

Of your destiny-ordering Will.



                                                                I carry my sorrow into the setting sun,

                                                Place all my worries into her radiating womb

                                                Purified in love, transformed in light,

                                                They return as helping thoughts,

                                                As strength for self-sacrificing deeds.



Where you focus your energy, grows. Focus on something positive.


Lyneah Marks is an LMBT (Licensed Massage and Bodywork Therapist) NC 644, a Soul Integration Therapist, and an Intuitive Healing Facilitator. Formerly from Durham, NC, she currently resides in California doing phone and video consults for her clients.  When she is in NC, she sees clients at the Health Center of Hillsborough.