“Heal this if you can do this weird healing shit!” Caryl’s red hair shook as she jutted her chin and poked her little finger at my face. 
“What did you do?
“Broke the damn thing.”
  I searched her face to read what was behind her freckles. There was a dare there for sure, but was there also enough openness to receive healing? Inwardly I felt the information that I must stay unattached from outcomes. It was not my glory if things healed and it was not my fault if they did not.
There are many factors in healing and willingness to receive is a big one. Jeshua (Jesus) himself said,
  “Your faith has made you well.”
  This healing journey had many lessons, and I was leaning to ask questions rather than assuming it was always right to jump in to help. Internally I did my opening while continuing to search her eyes and asked,
  “Is it right action to help Caryl heal this finger at this time?” … “Please help me center and align my will with divine will. Help me not be attached to results.”  I had to be willing to risk ridicule if healing did not occur. I knew that healing worked, and I was learning the limits and variables involved. It had to be a selfless act… had to care more about her finger than about her view of me.
  “Will you sit still for a time?” I asked still searching for clues in her energy field.
  Caryl nodded her short bobbed hair as she sat in one dining room chair and I faced her in another. Even when she sat still, she felt like she was zooming inside.Caryl was my first cousin, Godmother and, for many years, my best friend. An RN Ph. D. Nurse Scientist with a photographic memory, she had read two encyclopedias and could quote either accurately… 
“What do you need me to do?” she asked.
  “Sit still and breathe consciously, deeply and release the pain,” I put one hand on the table and asked her to place her hand on mine, so it was comfortable. I put my other hand in the air slightly over hers careful not to touch it. I said a prayer asking my guides for help and waited. I moved to a place of peace and stillness opening myself to the healing energy. Soon thermal energy began to flow through my hands. Internally my imagination/spiritual sight I ‘saw’ the fracture: a multiple ‘M’ which I carefully drew while the vision was fresh. The bone was white, and the break appeared darker in my mind’s eye. I set to work making the darker parts light in my imagination... I continued to “imagine” the bone healing and becoming more and more uniform in color. Slowly the dark gave way to gray and then to white a millimeter at a time…After 40 minutes of focused healing work, Caryl thanked me and ended our session by standing up and swiftly pacing around the room. She busied herself as if she had as much healing energy as she could take in at one time. It was time to go…
  “How’s it doing today?” I asked when we stopped at Caryl’s the next afternoon… 
“Damnedest thing I’ve ever seen,” said Caryl.
  “What’s wrong?”
  “My doctor’s office X–Rayed it first thing this morning. When I saw the doctor, he asked how long it had been since I broke it. I told him yesterday. He looked at me with surprise, gestured for me to follow him to the back-lit X–ray and said, ‘You know how to read X–Rays. This fracture is 10 to 12 months old.’ He pointed to the break which, by the way, was fractured exactly as you drew it and I could see clearly that it looked like a year old fracture. You are so strange. I wouldn’t have believed it if it were not my own finger on that X–Ray. The doctor said we don’t need to do anything for it, except, he suggested that I try not to break it again anytime soon.” Thirsting for a Raindrop, Lyneah Marks, Body, Soul & Angels Punishing, p. 130, available below.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
A client called crying in pain.
“I broke a piece off my tibia. I am in so much pain.”
“Where are you?”
“Come over and I’ll work on it.”
She came and I worked on a triangular piece of the tibia which was completely separated from the bone. 40 minutes I worked disassembling the bone piece. Noticing the time, she said,
“I have to go.”
“But I have only taken the piece apart, I have yet to replace it on the bone.”
“It feels fine,” and off she went. It was close to Christmas and there was much to do. I started calling her to find out if she was OK and got no response. I called several times that week. I didn’t hear from her until after the New Year.
“I’m so glad to hear from you, I was worried,” I answered her call.
“Oh, I’m so sorry to worry you, I was spelunking with my kids in Georgia an snow showing near the cabin in Virginia. I’m just fine. I went back to Duke and they X-Rayed it and said the bone fragment was gone which surprised them. The bone is healing just fine. I’ve been getting around without problems…”
“Spelunking and snow shoeing!!!!!!!!!!!!?????” I was amazed. Even with half a healing session she was doing great!

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Thirsting for a Raindrop, Chapter 11, Luthiers and Logging tells the story of many crushed bones healed during a night of intense energy healing work. Chapter 14 tells the story of a young woman who’s eye lid was healed in a minute of clock time through Body, Soul & Angels energy healing.