Discernment excerpt from Thirsting for a Raindrop by Lyneah Marks


After the Thanksgiving incident in West Virginia where the girl’s eye was healed, people in our area started asking me to do healing work with them. One woman in particular said, “I have been given guidance that you can totally and completely heal me.”
I was startled by her intense words, I thought her slightly delusional. I loved helping people, so I was willing to try and see what happened. We had a few wonderful healing sessions. During the last one, a presence came to me that looked (in my inner sight) like a being of white, but it upset my stomach. It was pasty rather than translucent. I became very uncomfortable, ended the session and left.
At home I told Don: “I am putting this weird healing stuff on the shelf! I’m not doing it anymore!”
“Do it or don’t do it. It’s up to you,” was his neutral, even uninterested response.
“You are right. I choose: I’m not doing it anymore!”
Mentally, I put the gift of healing on the shelf, out of fear. I didn’t know whose guidance I was listening to and I could not help people unless I knew the source was real and true and helpful. Due to my concerns and my decision, I called the woman and canceled her next appointment.
“When can we reschedule?” she asked.
“I am giving up healing work.”
“Really? That is a shame! I so wanted to work with you. Please, please change your mind. You are the one who can heal me…”
I hated disappointing her, but I was more uncomfortable with the idea of doing healing work when I did not know who was helping me and what their intentions were. I did not feel safe. Nor could I offer safety to a client.
Some days later, I had not shaken the uncomfortable feeling. I did not meditate or listen, trying instead to keep busy leading the ‘normal’ life I wanted.
There were very few blue–eyed people in our area of West Virginia. Don and I had the bluest eyes of anyone we knew there.
A few days later, while in town, a very, very blue–eyed (turquoise blue eyed, before colored contacts) person came up to me quite suddenly, grabbed my arm gently with both hands, stared intently into my eyes and said,
“You must do a healing on me.”
Startled, I shook free of the hand hold, turned to walk away, turned around and the person had disappeared! there was nowhere for him to go on the open street. How did he know to ask me about healing? I wasn’t talking to anyone other than Don about this and the woman who had asked me to heal her. I shook off the experience and went on with my day.
Two days later, another very blue–eyed person approached me, grabbed my arm gently with both hands and said:
“You must do a healing on me.”
I was surprised, but tried to shake off this experience as well. When I turned back she was gone with nowhere available to hide on the open street. When it happened a third time, I said,
“OK, God. You want me to do this weird healing stuff. I’m maybe kind of sort of willing, but I will not do it until You show me how to tell the good guys from the bad guys in the spiritual world. I don’t know who I’m listening to and I won’t do this work until I have some assurance that the spirits I am talking with are aligned with Your Will.”  I let this go, fairly sure that I was not going to get an answer and happy to be ‘off the hook’ of following the healer’s path.
Three days later, working at our restaurant, a friend came by with her Bible. She placed it on the counter, opened it to I John 4:1–4 turned it to me, pointed and said, “Read this.”

“Do not trust all the spirits, my children, you must test the spirits. The way to test the spirits is to ask them if they believe the Christ came in the flesh. This is the way to tell if the spirit is from God…”

“How did you know to bring this to me?” I asked aloud.
I had told no one what I’d silently asked God, not even Don.
“Oh, the Lord just put it on my heart this morning,” she answered as if this was an ordinary occurrence for her. It probably was. I wondered how it felt to be that faithful. I also wondered why I had never seen that scripture, since my Mother made sure I went to church every Sunday, unless I had a big fever. (I later learned that my church (a Lutheran church) was a liturgical church. This meant that they cycled through selected scripture each year and that as a result much of scripture is never talked about.)
I called the woman who had asked for healing and said, “I’ll work with you for one more session. I’m not promising anything beyond that.”
“I’ll take whatever you will give me,” she responded happily.
We worked together and the same being came to me again at two O'clock in my imagination, upsetting my stomach another time.
“Do you believe Christ came in the flesh?”  I demanded strongly.
There was an explosion and the spirit disappeared. I was surprised and delighted to have a method of discerning between spirits until I realized I now had to pursue the path of the healer. We continued to have successful healing sessions she found very helpful.

The phrase from I John (first John) does not discriminate between religions. I have had successful sessions working with Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, Native American Naturalists, Ba’hais and agnostics, even atheists. One day after telling my story to a woman, she said:
 “How can I work with you? I am Jewish and I don’t believe in Christ like you do.”
I had asked Spirit this same question earlier and was told, “We’ll tell you when the time comes.”
In my head, I said, “Now would be a good time for that answer”  trying to relax and let the answer come into my mind.
“Tell her you will respect her beliefs for her and ask her to respect your beliefs for you.”
I did. She agreed and we had a lovely session, where Sarah appeared to her (instead of Mary or Quan Yin) and she was asked to swallow the Tree of Life upside down, so its roots would be in Heaven. Since then, I have found that imagery during my healing sessions comes in the form of the client’s belief structure.
In my classes, I have often been asked how I tell which spirits are for our highest good. My answer is only those who believe Christ came in the flesh and only those who have our highest good at heart from Divine Source’s point of view, but my response is often, “Have you asked for discernment? Your answer may be different from the one I received.”
Some of my critics have asked me, “How long are you going to hold on to that dualistic third–dimensional thinking?”
“As long as I live in a three–dimensional world,” is my answer. We do not have to be of this world, but we are in it, and as long as we are, I believe there will still be a need for discernment.

*******end of book quote*******

The second part of my discernment statement comes out of experiences in the healing room. After saying my original opening that I would listen only to those who believed Christ came in the flesh, we still had some interfering energetics. After much meditation and spiritual research I learned that sorcerers are not bound by the first statement and neither are other beings who are not spirits. This led to my adding, “only those who have our highest good at heart from Divine Source’s point of view.” One group insisted they had my client’s highest good at heart while she and I agreed they did not, hence the clarification that the highest good at heart must be from the perspective of the Divine.

My gut feeling was certainly an indication but I wasn’t comfortable using only this sense because I didn’t feel it was always reliable. My gut feelings might have been accurate as a child, but many influences and experiences had clouded this sense. After much clearing I might have a better sense of using this guide.

You do not have to use my words, and I highly recommend you find your own. Feel into what fits for you. Some use very short phrases others, long intricate forms. Ask with your heart set to hearing only what is for your highest good/divine truth/right action/in alignment with divine will and ask how do I discern who is for my/our highest good? How do I tell the difference between those who are benevolent and those who are not? this is so important because a spirit or presence can tell you truthful things after truthful things and then throw in one thing that throws you off.


Few years ago I was invited three separate times by three different people to go to a channeling that I really didn't want to go to I didn't have a good feeling about it. After the third invitation, I sat down in meditation and asked is it right action for me to go to this event. I got a clear heard yes and I wanted more information. I have a meter in my imagination from zero to 100 and I often ask of what percent benefit will this be. When I asked about this event the indicator didn't even move from zero. Then i asked of what percent deficit is possible here and the indicator moved to 90%. Feeling a bit confused I asked for confirmation and got it was of 0% benefit for me and 90% possible deficit. Surprised, I asked why do you want me to go there? The answer came quite clearly that I was to go there to set discernment in the walls and the ceiling and the floor across the doorways and windows to protect others. I agreed to go. Arriving early, I asked for my discernment and for help to clear the sanctuary. Then I walked around intending my discernment statement into the walls, the ceiling, the floor, the windows and doors: “Only those who believe the Christ came in the flesh and only those who have our highest good at heart from divine source’s point of view are welcome here.”

When I felt complete I sat down in one of the pews and meditated until other people started coming in. There were a number of people that I knew and some of them sat next to me I smiled but stayed quiet. The speaker came in and he was a very personable young man who charismatically introduced himself and connected with the audience through humor and kindness. After his introduction he said he would begin to channel he closed his eyes and became quiet and his expression turned to one that you might call perplexed. He opened his eyes and looked around and then said: “ Uhhh,  give me another minute.” And he returned to his meditation closing his eyes and looking down. After a more prolonged period of time,  he opened his eyes and apologized to the audience saying:

“I'm sorry ladies and gentlemen I'm not able to connect with my channel tonight we will have to cancel this presentation.”

 This is not the only time this has happened other situations similar to this have occurred where I've been asked to put discernment into the room and the person was not able to reach the channel which tells me that their channel did not have our highest good at heart from Divine Source’s point of view. These situations have emphasized to me the importance of using discernment absolutely every time you open to intuition every time you meditate every time you do a healing with someone. In order to make this easier I have developed a workshop on creating openings. The openings are time saving devices. There are also other macros that can be created to save time some of those are in their own workshops and others happen inside of earth healing classes. Whatever you do I hope you use discernment it doesn't cost anything and it can save you a lot of trouble.


“I will listen only to those who believe the Christ came in the flesh and those who have our highest good at heart from Divine Source’s point of view.”

“I will listen only to God.”

I will listen only to those who believe the Christ came in the flesh and only those who have our highest good at heart from Divine Source’s point of view. I ask for those to help who are right action for this day/session/class/situation.

I ask to be aligned and attuned with Mother Earth and divine source.

I ask for this space to be cleared and sanctified.

I ask for my client’s guides and higher self to connect with my guides and my higher self.

I open the four directions and connect with the four elements.

I connect with the crystal realm, the fairies, the sylphs, the elves, dwarves, the tree spirits, and any middle earth beings who are right action to work with us today.

I call upon the Telosians to join in this healing.

Star families who are right action to work with us today.

Please align my will with divine will, my ego with divine ego.

Activate my gifts and provide clarity. 

I ask St. Germain and angels to transform all lower energies into higher forms of love and light and keep me from absorbing anything that does not serve my highest good.

I ask permission to access the Akashic Record.
All this and more as divine source deems right. Gratitude. Heartfelt gratitude.